How to Boost Your Website Traffic And Explode Your Business using Organic SEO
Boost Your Website Traffic And Explode Your Business using Organic SEO!
Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is basically a fancy word for setting your website and content ready to rank higher in an internet search result for your niche.
Unfortunately, SEO is not like some sort of checklist or magical formula that once the configuration is done you suddenly rank always in first place on Google. SEO is something that you try and optimize every day that will help you to show up on searches.
SEO can be overwhelming in the beginning, but you’ll get there!
So, you can relax a bit because you don’t need to have all the SEO knowledge to drive traffic to your website. Let’s get started!
How to Boost Your Website Traffic And Explode Your Business using Organic SEO
How To Increase Your Organic Squarespace Website Traffic
Do you want to know the secret to organic traffic? Share genuinely useful content… consistently!
Yes, it’s that simple! Sharing useful content about the problems people most needed solving around your niche is the way to drive traffic to your website without having to pay for ads. PRO TIP: Don’t forget to include the keywords people are most likely to search for!
When you consistently put out useful content that covers the main keywords you’re trying to rank for, this is what’s going to happen:
1. People will trust you because they will see you as an advisor. They know they can count on you to be sharing useful content consistently and, eventually, they will become loyal consumers of your content.
2. People will recognize you as an expert, because no matter what question they have, you always have legitimate and useful answers.
By sharing useful content regularly, not only you will become automatically the go-to person, but people might just skip Google completely and go directly to your website.
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist
Google’s number one job is to connect the searcher with the best possible result for the first time. Google is very meticulous about search results, and in fact, this is a competitive advantage for you.
This is big news for you because you don’t have to compete with the biggest names and the most competitive keywords out there. Instead, you just need to make sure that Google delivers the most useful answers to the audience you are serving.
So, your number one priority is to make sure the most useful answers are coming from you by sharing valuable content consistently.
So, how do you create useful content for your audience?
First, think about and define who your ideal audience is. Second, think of the questions they are likely to be asking about the niche you are in. And third, answer those questions in a helpful way.
Once you know who your ideal audience is, think of the questions your audience might have, and how you can use your content to serve them. Consistency is key, so pick a day for sharing your content and stick with it.
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Final Thoughts
That’s it - Our Best Tips On How to Boost Your Website Traffic And Explode Your Business using Organic SEO!
Our number one tip for anyone eager to explode their business is to consistently share valuable content and answer the questions your audience might have, without being afraid of giving them away for free!
Keep in mind that organic SEO takes time to work, so don’t get discouraged if people aren’t visiting your website the moment you publish something.
We agree that running ads are tempting because it gives you lots of traffic in a short period of time, but with content marketing, the leads will be a lot more qualified and more likely to buy from you.
Ads are a very good tool once you’re ready to scale your business. Ads can certainly give you some quick wins, but still, organic SEO is where the long-term success is for your business!
Sharing your expertise is important because people who are already consuming your content are more likely to buy from you than from someone else they found via a Facebook ad but never heard of.
In short, consistent content marketing is the easiest way to build up trust with your audience, while also building a list of people that someday will be ready and buy from you.
Want to start working on your online presence? Check out our free resources!
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