Website Design Tweaks To Attract Your Dream Clients

You've launched your website, everything is in place, working 100%, and you're generating good traffic... but visitors aren't reaching out? Just as important as having a good website is to make sure you have the right kind of people coming to your website and that you're able to catch their attention!

So, in this article, we'll be talking about how to capture your dream client’s attention once they’ve landed on your website, and making sure they reach out. We’ve listed out all of the tweaks you can make to your website so that you can guarantee when your dream client lands on your website but first you should be able to define your dream client.


We all have an ideal client, but what exactly does that mean? You may have an idea who your ideal client is, but knowing just a few details about them is not enough. You need to go much deeper than that and create your ideal client avatar:

  • Name?

  • Age?

  • Male or Female?

  • Profession?

  • Annual income?

  • Education?

  • Hobbies?

  • Marital status?

  • How many kids do they have?

  • What books do they read?

  • What blogs do they love?

  • What movies or TV shows do they watch?

  • What social media accounts do they follow?

  • Who inspires them?

  • What events do they attend?

  • What do they buy?

  • How do they spend their spare time?

  • What drives them?

  • What do they want to accomplish in the short and in the long term?

  • What are they struggling with?

  • What do they want help with?

Now that you have done the important step of creating your ideal client avatar, we’ll move on to the actual design details of your website.

Website Design Tweaks To Attract Your Dream Clients


When visitors and on your homepage your website should have the answer to the following: Who you are? | Where you are located? | What you offer? | Who you serve? | What makes you different? | How to book your services?

Yes, this may seem like a lot of information to fit into the short few seconds most site visitors give you before making their impression of your business. But you shouldn’t wait until visitors click on your about page to let them know all about you.

How to fix this? Have a clear tagline by taking parts of what you do, who you serve, where you’re located, how you’re different, and most important a call-to-action (CTA), and place it on the homepage.



Always view your website through your ideal client’s eyes! Intentionally look at your current website, and think if it's actually something that your ideal client would be attracted to. While you might have a preferred design in mind, you have to think less about what you want and more about what will attract your ideal client.

How to fix this? Your website should be designed with your ideal client preferences in mind: Do they like feminine or masculine style? Are they fun or professional? Do they like bright or neutral colors? What kind of images do they relate to? Choose a style, colors, and images that not only look good but also attract your ideal client by invoking the right emotion.


The next step after having designed a killer website is to strategically write your website's copy. Now you should know your ideal client quite well, so think about how does your ideal client speaks, what sort of words do they usually use, etc.

How to fix this? When you’re writing your copy think about exactly who you are speaking to, just focus on attracting your dream client based on their personal preferences.


If you don't have a portfolio to showcase your work, you need to create one ASAP. Having a portfolio of your past work is a way to create trust, and show your potential clients what you can do.

One piece of advice: never display portfolio pieces of jobs you don’t want to do more of or clients you don't wish to work with in the future. If you're a designer and you don’t want to work with corporate clients, then don’t display a portfolio piece that will attract those types of clients.

How to fix this? Create a portfolio that intentionally attracts your dream client,  and if that means creating some demo work or selling your services at a cheaper rate just to work with an ideal client to get some experience do it. Believe us, it’s worth it in the long run.

Final Thoughts

To attract your dream client you should have a clear ideal client avatar! That is the baseline to optimize your brand message, website design, copyright, and portfolio. If you know exactly who you want to work with, all the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place naturally.

We hope all the information we shared helped give you a little more clarity on how to design a website that attracts your dream clients. If you need further guidance book a totally free consultation call with us, we'd love to help you!



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