5 Reasons Why DIYing Your Website Can Hurt Your Business
DIYing Your Website Can Hurt Your Business - Here’s why!
When deciding to design or re-design the website for your brand, there are plenty of options in the market... Nowadays, you even have the option to build your brand's website all by yourself.
However, this might not be the right option for your business, so to help you make a decision we've decided to write this article with our very honest opinion. Here're some reasons why you should not DIY the website for your business!
5 Reasons Why DIYing Your Website Can Hurt Your Business
1. No Differentiation From The Competition
At first glance, you might be impressed with the attractive templates DIY platforms offer, but the downside when using a pre-defined template is that a lot of other brands use the same templates. these are very large companies with lots of customers, all of whom are using the same templates.
If you dig even deeper, you’ll realize that many, many websites are sharing the exact same template with some little tweaks here and there.
An effective business website needs to be unique, to reflect your brand's personality. This is an important point because one of your goals is to separate yourself from the competition.
When visitors see a generic website, they probably will not realize it at first but their subconscious will tell them that they have seen something similar somewhere else.
So, if you want to stand apart from your competition, it’s worth designing a more customized solution.
2. Doesn't Reflect Your Brand's Personality
No matter the industry you're operating in, the chances are you have competition. So, how do you get visitor’s attention and stand out from the crowd?
With good branding, and a fully customized website that reflects your brand's personality!
Without these two, your company would not stand out from the crowd. If you're considering DIY your brand's website, please keep in mind that some platforms don't have the option to fully customize the template you've chosen…
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3. Not SEO-Friendly
If you decide to DIY your brand's website keep in mind that templates are usually not SEO-friendly, so you have to invest time and money to learn how to optimize your website for search engines.
What is the purpose of having a website if your potential customers can’t find it? You need your website to be optimized for search engines! SEO is a complex field that requires all tweaks and a customized approach for your website to rank well with Google searches.
4. Long Time To Design
Building a website that converts is no easy task (believe us!). There are many elements to consider (layout, font type, color scheme, navigation, usability, etc.).
Researching how to build a website from scratch, plus combining all the different elements, solving bugs, optimizing for mobile,... is a full-time job on top of your current workload.
However, when you choose to hire a professional web designer things look much different. You'll end up with a professional-looking unique design, with all the functionalities you desire, in much less time than if you decided to design it yourself.
Professional web designers, have prior knowledge of what works best to convert visitors into paying clients.
5. Poor Conversion
Many businesses consider the DIY website solution because it's supposedly less expensive than hiring a professional web designer. After all, why pay a designer when you can design and have a website for a low monthly fee? But when you consider all of the variables, this option is not quite as economical as it first appears.
The truth is that you get what you pay for! When you decide to design a website, ultimately, what counts is what value does it bring to your clients and your brand. An investment in your brand is an investment in your future!
It will be hard to impress your audience, and have a good conversion with a generic website that doesn’t show the unique characteristics of your brand.
Ready To Start Working On Your Dream Website?
Final Thoughts
That’s it - 5 Reasons DIYing Your Website Can Hurt Your Business!
We hope this article was clear and straight to the point! We have no doubt that after reading this you’ll be able to make the right decision depending on what stage of your business you’re in right now.
Now it's your turn to tell us, after reading this article do you have any questions? Send us your thoughts, and any other concerns you might have, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
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